
The Whangarei Cake decorators guild meets at 7.15pm on the first Tuesday of every month. Starting in February each year (no meetings in January). At the YWCA in the Whangarei CBD (entrance opposite Whangarei Intermediate School) Visitors are welcomed at a cost of $3 per meeting (for up to three visits). Membership is $45 per year. This includes a quarterly subscription to the NZCDG magazine. As well as entitlement to NZCDG benefits.

We have an extensive library of books and DVDs which members are welcome to borrow for a small fee. We also have a cake decorating tools library. Our meetings are quite simply put FUN!. Each month brings a new surprise - from a demonstration on sugar flowers, to a workshop on teddy modelling. Check out the tab above labelled programme to see what exciting things we have coming up